Computers are no longer a perk in our schools, they are a “must-have” to help our students learn and to give them the competitive edge 21st century technology provides.
High school students now have the option of participating on the Robotics Team, and our tasked with building and programing a robot to compete against other schools. The team is so popular with the students, a second team was created.
Students of all ages are also learning how to write their own code to create graphics, animate objects and so much more. Computers allow teachers to bring topics alive and immerse students into a time period of history or travel through a body as a cell. Books are still popular and used all the time but technology devices are adding a valuable teaching resource for all of our staff and our students.
Today, our Pre-k, kindergarten and first grade students each have an iPad housed in a charging cart in their classroom. The second grade through eighth grade students use Chromebooks also stored in charging carts in each classroom. PBL High School students will soon each have their own Chromebook and will be able to take their device home with them.

IMPACT – Technology Makes a Difference
“We are grateful to The PBL Education Foundation’s leadership in establishing an Endowment Fund and making a long-term commitment to using fund income to help PBL keep pace with increased costs associated with rapidly change technology. The income The Foundation is able to provide us will play a large part in our ability to keep pace with software and hardware updates.” – Cliff McClure, Retired PBL Superintendent