“You may not see the fruit of today’s work, but you have seeded a lifetime of knowledge.” –Anonymous

You know how easy it is for me, a farmer’s wife of 46 years, to come up with analogies for planting seeds? VERY easy! But I will leave planting seeds in the ground to our farmers and ask you, instead, to help us plant seeds in our students’ minds.

Seeds get planted when students experience something “old” in a new light. When they have opportunities to use different tools for a routine process. When they are made aware of something they never knew existed or was even possible. We help our staff to plant seeds by funding grants that will enhance their teaching, allowing students to have new experiences. Through our literacy initiatives we put books into students’ hands, opening different worlds to them by showing them different places, people, and many times, humor.

We will never know what seeds took root in some of our Hall of Fame inductees when they attended our schools, but they exemplify the impact a good education can have on our students.

The seeds of opportunity, knowledge, and creativity can’t grow if they are never planted! Your financial support is critical to our ability to continue planting seeds in students’ minds.

Students that receive the benefit of “extra” opportunities will strengthen both our schools and our communities. But this cannot happen without your financial support.

As we prepare our students to become “the best they can be,” we ask for your help in fulfilling this mission.

As you read this year’s Impact Report, you can see tangible evidence of your gift’s impact on our students. When seeds are planted and nurtured, everyone benefits!


Robin Niewold, Chairman

Donate to the 2024 Annual Campaign today!