You give MORE when you give GRAIN!
You are in a unique position to help The PBL Education Foundation. Farmers and landowners can donate either cash or grain to our annual fundraising campaign. But when you donate grain, we both benefit!
The new tax law, with its greatly increased standard deduction, makes donating grain to the PBL Education Foundation a good decision for many farmers.
A grain donation lowers the Schedule F income (because the grain was donated to the charity), meaning you pay no federal and state income taxes or self-employment tax on the grain that is donated, and you are still able to take full advantage of the standard deduction. You should always consult your tax adviser concerning your individual circumstances.
All grain donations are converted to cash the same day we are notified of the gift. The cash is then deposited into The PBL Endowment Fund where the income earned will be distributed to our district to fund technology at all grade levels. Because only income generated from The Endowment Fund will be distributed to our District (not the principle), your gift of grain will provide for our students for years and years creating your legacy of support.
This year, you are asked to share at least 100 bushels of grain with our students and make this harvest a true “Harvest for Tomorrow”. All you have to do is tell your elevator how many bushels you wish to donate to The PBL Education Foundation and they will take care of the rest.
Robin Niewold, Chairman
p.s. While textbooks last up to 12 years, chromebooks, iPads, digital blackboards and the software they use changes every couple of years. Currently, our District needs about $90,000 or $70 per student, EACH YEAR to maintain and update “technology” in grades k-12.
Be sure to check with your personal tax advisor when determining the most advantageous giving method for you.
The Paxton-Buckley-Loda Education Foundation is a tax exempt organization, a status accorded under section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code – EIN 36-4182206